Screen shots
package com.sc.chordbook; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; public class FindShapeMidlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { private Display mDisplay; private Form mRootForm, mTypeForm, mProgressForm; private ChordViewCanvas mChordViewCanvas; private ChoiceGroup mRootChoice, mTypeChoice; private StringItem mProgressString; private Gauge mProgressGauge; private Command mNextCommand, mBackCommand; private Command mFindCommand, mMoreCommand; private Command mExitCommand; private String mRoot, mType; // user's search parameters private Vector mChords; // returned chord data private int mProgressValue = 0; public FindShapeMidlet() { // initialise the chords vector mChords = new Vector(); // initialise forms // - root form mRootForm = new Form("Chord root"); String[] roots = {"A", "Bb", "B", "C", "C#", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "Ab"}; mRootChoice = new ChoiceGroup(null, Choice.EXCLUSIVE, roots, null); mRootForm.append(mRootChoice); // - type form mTypeForm = new Form("Chord type"); String[] types = {"maj", "m", "7", "maj7", "m7", "6", "maj6", "m6", "9", "maj9", "m9", "6/9", "sus4", "7sus4", "9sus4", "dim", "aug", "aug7", "aug9", "m11", "13", "maj13", "min13", "7b5", "m7b5", "9b5"}; mTypeChoice = new ChoiceGroup(null, Choice.EXCLUSIVE, types, null); mTypeForm.append(mTypeChoice); // - progress form mProgressForm = new Form("Fetching chord..."); mProgressGauge = new Gauge(null, false, 10, 0); mProgressString = new StringItem(null, null); mProgressForm.append(mProgressGauge); mProgressForm.append(mProgressString); // initialise canvases // - chord view canvas (shows name results) mChordViewCanvas = new ChordViewCanvas(); // - create commands mNextCommand = new Command("Next", Command.SCREEN, 0); mBackCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 0); mFindCommand = new Command("Find", Command.SCREEN, 0); mMoreCommand = new Command("More", Command.SCREEN, 0); mExitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0); // - add commands and handlers to forms mRootForm.addCommand(mNextCommand); mRootForm.addCommand(mExitCommand); mRootForm.setCommandListener(this); mTypeForm.addCommand(mBackCommand); mTypeForm.addCommand(mFindCommand); mTypeForm.setCommandListener(this); mProgressForm.addCommand(mBackCommand); mProgressForm.setCommandListener(this); // - add commands and handlers to canvases mChordViewCanvas.addCommand(mBackCommand); mChordViewCanvas.addCommand(mMoreCommand); mChordViewCanvas.setCommandListener(this); } public void startApp() { // grab the display mDisplay = Display.getDisplay(this); // tell the canvas how many colours it can use (if any) mChordViewCanvas.setUseColour(mDisplay.isColor()); mChordViewCanvas.setNumColours(mDisplay.numColors()); // show the opening screen Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(mRootForm); } public void pauseApp() { } public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) { if (c == mNextCommand) { // the user pressed Next (on the Root form) // grab the selected root... mRoot = mRootChoice.getString(mRootChoice.getSelectedIndex()); // and move on mDisplay.setCurrent(mTypeForm); } else if (c == mBackCommand) { // the user pressed Back (on several forms) // - go back to the root form (new search) mDisplay.setCurrent(mRootForm); } else if (c == mFindCommand) { // the user pressed Find (on the Type form) // grab the selected type... mType = mTypeChoice.getString(mTypeChoice.getSelectedIndex()); // display the progress form... mDisplay.setCurrent(mProgressForm); // and fetch the chord shape! Fetcher f = new Fetcher(getAppProperty("xxx"), mRoot, mType); f.start(); } else if (c == mMoreCommand) { // the user pressed More (on the chord canvas) // - display the next chord inversion mChordViewCanvas.nextChord(); mChordViewCanvas.repaint(); } else if (c == mExitCommand) { // the user pressed Exit (anywhere) // - exit the app notifyDestroyed(); } } private class Fetcher extends Thread { private StringBuffer url; public Fetcher(String baseURL, String rootValue, String typeValue) { // empty the chords vector mChords.removeAllElements(); // encode '#' (sharp) characters as 's' rootValue = rootValue.replace('#', 's'); // build the gateway server url url = new StringBuffer(); url.append(baseURL); url.append("?root="); url.append(rootValue); url.append("&type="); url.append(typeValue); System.out.println("url = " + url.toString()); } public void run() { HttpConnection c = null; InputStream in = null; // start spinning the progress gauge Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new ProgressSpinner(), 0, 100); // fetch and display the desired chord data try { // open a connection to the chordbook gate servlet mProgressString.setText("Sending..."); c = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url.toString()); // send the request mProgressString.setText("Waiting..."); in = c.openInputStream(); if (c.getResponseCode() != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) { System.out.println("HTTP error: " + c.getResponseCode()); } else { // read the response // - get the number of chords returned int numChords = Integer.parseInt(c.getHeaderField("numChords")); // - read the actual chord data for (int i = 0; i < numChords; i++) { // - read the chord position byte pos = (byte)in.read(); // - read the chord shape byte[] frets = new byte[Settings.NUM_STRINGS]; in.read(frets); // - read the chord fingering byte[] fingers = new byte[Settings.NUM_STRINGS]; in.read(fingers); // store the chord data in chordbox form ChordBox chord = new ChordBox(mRoot + mType, pos, frets, fingers); mChords.addElement(chord); } // display the response... if (mChords.size() == 0) { // no matching chords were found // - alert the user String msg = "sorry, no match for " + mRoot + mType; Alert results = new Alert("Search Result", msg, null, null); mDisplay.setCurrent(results, mRootForm); } else { // we have chords // - display them mChordViewCanvas.reset(); mChordViewCanvas.setChords(mChords); mDisplay.setCurrent(mChordViewCanvas); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { String msg = "Servlet error: " + ioe; Alert error = new Alert("Error", msg, null, null); mDisplay.setCurrent(error, mRootForm); } finally { // close input stream and connection try { in.close(); c.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } } private class ProgressSpinner extends TimerTask { public void run() { // move the progress gauge forward by one unit mProgressValue++; mProgressValue %= 11; mProgressGauge.setValue(mProgressValue); } } }